Yard Signs


yard signs


Graduating Senior yard sign $35

You can use your own photo or if we captured your child's photos during a session we can use one from that session. Yard signs will need to be picked up at our studio in Murrieta off of Jefferson and Elm. We will send information when yard signs are ready for pickup.


This yard sign does not have any photos. We can customize the colors to match your school and add the school logo.

Liberty Congratulations No Photo Yard Sign $35

This yard sign does not have nay photos. We can customize this sign and add the senior’s name

Grad yard sign $35

You can use your own photo or if we captured your child's photos during a session we can use one from that session. Yard signs will need to be picked up at our studio in Murrieta off of Jefferson and Elm. We will send information when yard signs are ready for pickup.


This yard sign can be used with any senior photo. We will cusomize the color to match the school.

Bell Mountain Middle School Promotion Yard Sign $35

This yard sign does not have any photos. We can customize the sign and add the student’s name. Please let us know if you want both first and last name on the questionnaire when ordering

senior strong yard sign $35

You can use your own photo or if we captured your child's photos during a session we can use one from that session. Yard signs will need to be picked up at our studio in Murrieta off of Jefferson and Elm. We will send information when yard signs are ready for pickup.


This yard sign does not have any photos. We can customize this sign and add the senior’s name.